Canara Robeco Flexicap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth Option

(Erstwhile Canara Robeco Equity Diversified - Regular Plan - Growth)

Category: Equity: Flexi Cap
Launch Date: 05-09-2003
Asset Class: Equity
Benchmark: BSE 500 TRI
Expense Ratio: 1.7% As on (30-12-2024)
Status: Open Ended Schemes
Minimum Investment: 5000.0
Minimum Topup: 1000.0
Total Assets: 12,804.68 Cr As on (31-12-2024)
Turn over: 33%
NAV as on 14-01-2025


1.93 (0.6169%)

CAGR Since Inception


BSE 500 TRI 12.44%

PERFORMANCE of Canara Robeco Flexicap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth Option

Scheme Performance (%)

Data as on - 14-01-2025

Yearly Performance (%)

Fund Managers

Pranav Gokhale, Shridatta Bhandwaldar

Investment Objective

The scheme aims to generate capital appreciation by investing in equity and equity related securities. The scheme would follow bottom-up investment style by identifying companies with strong competitive position in good business and having quality management. Being an open-ended scheme, some portion of the portfolio may be invested in money market instruments so as to meet the normal repurchase requirements.

NAV & Lumpsum details( Invested amount 1,00,000)

Show All Monthly Lumpsum Returns
NAV Date NAV Units Market
16-09-2003 10.0 10000.0 100000 0.0 %
16-10-2003 11.29 - 112900 12.9 %
17-11-2003 11.71 - 117100 17.1 %
16-12-2003 13.04 - 130400 30.4 %
16-01-2004 13.97 - 139700 39.7 %
16-02-2004 13.94 - 139400 39.4 %
16-03-2004 12.6 - 126000 26.0 %
16-04-2004 14.18 - 141800 41.8 %
17-05-2004 10.41 - 104100 4.1 %
16-06-2004 11.36 - 113600 13.6 %
16-07-2004 12.24 - 122400 22.4 %
16-08-2004 12.82 - 128200 28.2 %
16-09-2004 13.55 - 135500 35.5 %
18-10-2004 14.54 - 145400 45.4 %
16-11-2004 15.51 - 155100 55.1 %
16-12-2004 15.99 - 159900 59.9 %
17-01-2005 15.55 - 155500 55.5 %
16-02-2005 17.61 - 176100 76.1 %
16-03-2005 18.75 - 187500 87.5 %
19-04-2005 17.33 - 173300 73.3 %
16-05-2005 18.43 - 184300 84.3 %
16-06-2005 18.15 - 181500 81.5 %
18-07-2005 19.49 - 194900 94.9 %
16-08-2005 21.63 - 216300 116.3 %
16-09-2005 23.38 - 233800 133.8 %
17-10-2005 21.94 - 219400 119.4 %
16-11-2005 22.36 - 223600 123.6 %
16-12-2005 23.05 - 230500 130.5 %
16-01-2006 24.23 - 242300 142.3 %
16-02-2006 26.75 - 267500 167.5 %
16-03-2006 29.09 - 290900 190.9 %
17-04-2006 30.1 - 301000 201.0 %
16-05-2006 30.03 - 300300 200.3 %
16-06-2006 22.55 - 225500 125.5 %
17-07-2006 23.21 - 232100 132.1 %
16-08-2006 25.79 - 257900 157.9 %
18-09-2006 26.65 - 266500 166.5 %
16-10-2006 28.14 - 281400 181.4 %
16-11-2006 29.55 - 295500 195.5 %
18-12-2006 30.43 - 304300 204.3 %
16-01-2007 31.31 - 313100 213.1 %
19-02-2007 31.14 - 311400 211.4 %
16-03-2007 27.02 - 270200 170.2 %
16-04-2007 30.2 - 302000 202.0 %
16-05-2007 31.88 - 318800 218.8 %
18-06-2007 32.41 - 324100 224.1 %
16-07-2007 35.99 - 359900 259.9 %
16-08-2007 34.14 - 341400 241.4 %
17-09-2007 36.59 - 365900 265.9 %
16-10-2007 45.46 - 454600 354.6 %
16-11-2007 47.46 - 474600 374.6 %
17-12-2007 46.93 - 469300 369.3 %
16-01-2008 49.05 - 490500 390.5 %
18-02-2008 42.09 - 420900 320.9 %
17-03-2008 34.96 - 349600 249.6 %
16-04-2008 37.54 - 375400 275.4 %
16-05-2008 39.37 - 393700 293.7 %
16-06-2008 35.02 - 350200 250.2 %
16-07-2008 29.52 - 295200 195.2 %
18-08-2008 33.28 - 332800 232.8 %
16-09-2008 31.8 - 318000 218.0 %
16-10-2008 25.66 - 256600 156.6 %
17-11-2008 23.56 - 235600 135.6 %
16-12-2008 25.03 - 250300 150.3 %
16-01-2009 23.38 - 233800 133.8 %
16-02-2009 23.15 - 231500 131.5 %
16-03-2009 21.56 - 215600 115.6 %
16-04-2009 27.48 - 274800 174.8 %
19-05-2009 35.88 - 358800 258.8 %
16-06-2009 37.84 - 378400 278.4 %
16-07-2009 36.68 - 366800 266.8 %
17-08-2009 39.82 - 398200 298.2 %
16-09-2009 43.3 - 433000 333.0 %
16-10-2009 45.18 - 451800 351.8 %
16-11-2009 45.04 - 450400 350.4 %
16-12-2009 46.08 - 460800 360.8 %
18-01-2010 49.2 - 492000 392.0 %
16-02-2010 46.18 - 461800 361.8 %
16-03-2010 48.42 - 484200 384.2 %
16-04-2010 50.54 - 505400 405.4 %
17-05-2010 50.17 - 501700 401.7 %
16-06-2010 51.14 - 511400 411.4 %
16-07-2010 53.57 - 535700 435.7 %
16-08-2010 54.39 - 543900 443.9 %
16-09-2010 57.69 - 576900 476.9 %
18-10-2010 57.73 - 577300 477.3 %
16-11-2010 57.29 - 572900 472.9 %
16-12-2010 56.09 - 560900 460.9 %
17-01-2011 54.68 - 546800 446.8 %
16-02-2011 52.56 - 525600 425.6 %
16-03-2011 52.58 - 525800 425.8 %
18-04-2011 55.15 - 551500 451.5 %
16-05-2011 54.43 - 544300 444.3 %
16-06-2011 54.15 - 541500 441.5 %
18-07-2011 56.05 - 560500 460.5 %
16-08-2011 52.7 - 527000 427.0 %
16-09-2011 52.69 - 526900 426.9 %
17-10-2011 52.23 - 522300 422.3 %
16-11-2011 51.82 - 518200 418.2 %
16-12-2011 48.56 - 485600 385.6 %
16-01-2012 49.93 - 499300 399.3 %
16-02-2012 55.93 - 559300 459.3 %
16-03-2012 55.05 - 550500 450.5 %
16-04-2012 55.08 - 550800 450.8 %
16-05-2012 51.73 - 517300 417.3 %
18-06-2012 53.86 - 538600 438.6 %
16-07-2012 56.08 - 560800 460.8 %
16-08-2012 56.65 - 566500 466.5 %
17-09-2012 58.88 - 588800 488.8 %
16-10-2012 60.19 - 601900 501.9 %
16-11-2012 59.95 - 599500 499.5 %
17-12-2012 62.82 - 628200 528.2 %
16-01-2013 64.17 - 641700 541.7 %
18-02-2013 61.95 - 619500 519.5 %
18-03-2013 61.01 - 610100 510.1 %
16-04-2013 59.54 - 595400 495.4 %
16-05-2013 64.02 - 640200 540.2 %
17-06-2013 60.77 - 607700 507.7 %
16-07-2013 61.75 - 617500 517.5 %
16-08-2013 58.33 - 583300 483.3 %
16-09-2013 60.48 - 604800 504.8 %
17-10-2013 62.96 - 629600 529.6 %
18-11-2013 64.39 - 643900 543.9 %
16-12-2013 63.99 - 639900 539.9 %
16-01-2014 65.91 - 659100 559.1 %
17-02-2014 63.06 - 630600 530.6 %
18-03-2014 67.52 - 675200 575.2 %
16-04-2014 69.79 - 697900 597.9 %
16-05-2014 76.4 - 764000 664.0 %
16-06-2014 82.0 - 820000 720.0 %
16-07-2014 82.89 - 828900 728.9 %
18-08-2014 85.09 - 850900 750.9 %
16-09-2014 86.82 - 868200 768.2 %
16-10-2014 84.47 - 844700 744.7 %
17-11-2014 93.09 - 930900 830.9 %
16-12-2014 88.67 - 886700 786.7 %
16-01-2015 95.35 - 953500 853.5 %
16-02-2015 97.56 - 975600 875.6 %
16-03-2015 98.79 - 987900 887.9 %
16-04-2015 100.19 - 1001900 901.9 %
18-05-2015 95.12 - 951200 851.2 %
16-06-2015 91.03 - 910300 810.3 %
16-07-2015 99.66 - 996600 896.6 %
17-08-2015 99.31 - 993100 893.1 %
16-09-2015 91.19 - 911900 811.9 %
16-10-2015 95.27 - 952700 852.7 %
16-11-2015 91.23 - 912300 812.3 %
16-12-2015 90.93 - 909300 809.3 %
18-01-2016 84.11 - 841100 741.1 %
16-02-2016 78.06 - 780600 680.6 %
16-03-2016 82.2 - 822000 722.0 %
18-04-2016 88.25 - 882500 782.5 %
16-05-2016 87.66 - 876600 776.6 %
16-06-2016 89.48 - 894800 794.8 %
18-07-2016 92.96 - 929600 829.6 %
16-08-2016 95.91 - 959100 859.1 %
16-09-2016 98.88 - 988800 888.8 %
17-10-2016 99.03 - 990300 890.3 %
16-11-2016 90.8 - 908000 808.0 %
16-12-2016 91.07 - 910700 810.7 %
16-01-2017 94.59 - 945900 845.9 %
16-02-2017 99.06 - 990600 890.6 %
16-03-2017 103.5 - 1035000 935.0 %
17-04-2017 106.95 - 1069500 969.5 %
16-05-2017 112.11 - 1121100 1021.1 %
16-06-2017 112.36 - 1123600 1023.6 %
17-07-2017 114.9 - 1149000 1049.0 %
16-08-2017 116.1 - 1161000 1061.0 %
18-09-2017 120.69 - 1206900 1106.9 %
16-10-2017 119.1 - 1191000 1091.0 %
16-11-2017 119.38 - 1193800 1093.8 %
18-12-2017 122.47 - 1224700 1124.7 %
16-01-2018 125.5 - 1255000 1155.0 %
16-02-2018 122.28 - 1222800 1122.8 %
16-03-2018 119.43 - 1194300 1094.3 %
16-04-2018 123.76 - 1237600 1137.6 %
16-05-2018 125.41 - 1254100 1154.1 %
18-06-2018 125.32 - 1253200 1153.2 %
16-07-2018 126.84 - 1268400 1168.4 %
16-08-2018 132.02 - 1320200 1220.2 %
17-09-2018 129.73 - 1297300 1197.3 %
16-10-2018 121.03 - 1210300 1110.3 %
16-11-2018 123.72 - 1237200 1137.2 %
17-12-2018 125.96 - 1259600 1159.6 %
16-01-2019 126.48 - 1264800 1164.8 %
18-02-2019 123.45 - 1234500 1134.5 %
18-03-2019 132.68 - 1326800 1226.8 %
16-04-2019 135.25 - 1352500 1252.5 %
16-05-2019 129.52 - 1295200 1195.2 %
17-06-2019 134.6 - 1346000 1246.0 %
16-07-2019 134.24 - 1342400 1242.4 %
16-08-2019 126.97 - 1269700 1169.7 %
16-09-2019 127.87 - 1278700 1178.7 %
16-10-2019 134.62 - 1346200 1246.2 %
18-11-2019 139.42 - 1394200 1294.2 %
16-12-2019 140.62 - 1406200 1306.2 %
16-01-2020 145.59 - 1455900 1355.9 %
17-02-2020 149.17 - 1491700 1391.7 %
16-03-2020 120.83 - 1208300 1108.3 %
16-04-2020 118.0 - 1180000 1080.0 %
18-05-2020 116.05 - 1160500 1060.5 %
16-06-2020 126.4 - 1264000 1164.0 %
16-07-2020 134.97 - 1349700 1249.7 %
17-08-2020 141.76 - 1417600 1317.6 %
16-09-2020 147.98 - 1479800 1379.8 %
16-10-2020 149.0 - 1490000 1390.0 %
17-11-2020 160.31 - 1603100 1503.1 %
16-12-2020 169.09 - 1690900 1590.9 %
18-01-2021 175.58 - 1755800 1655.8 %
16-02-2021 189.66 - 1896600 1796.6 %
16-03-2021 185.35 - 1853500 1753.5 %
16-04-2021 182.25 - 1822500 1722.5 %
17-05-2021 187.64 - 1876400 1776.4 %
16-06-2021 200.87 - 2008700 1908.7 %
16-07-2021 207.0 - 2070000 1970.0 %
16-08-2021 214.19 - 2141900 2041.9 %
16-09-2021 230.31 - 2303100 2203.1 %
18-10-2021 238.9 - 2389000 2289.0 %
16-11-2021 235.26 - 2352600 2252.6 %
16-12-2021 227.07 - 2270700 2170.7 %
17-01-2022 239.72 - 2397200 2297.2 %
16-02-2022 224.66 - 2246600 2146.6 %
16-03-2022 217.77 - 2177700 2077.7 %
18-04-2022 218.65 - 2186500 2086.5 %
16-05-2022 199.95 - 1999500 1899.5 %
16-06-2022 194.33 - 1943300 1843.3 %
18-07-2022 207.19 - 2071900 1971.9 %
16-08-2022 225.31 - 2253100 2153.1 %
16-09-2022 224.52 - 2245200 2145.2 %
17-10-2022 219.83 - 2198300 2098.3 %
16-11-2022 228.6 - 2286000 2186.0 %
16-12-2022 227.86 - 2278600 2178.6 %
16-01-2023 223.12 - 2231200 2131.2 %
16-02-2023 224.89 - 2248900 2148.9 %
16-03-2023 212.58 - 2125800 2025.8 %
17-04-2023 220.97 - 2209700 2109.7 %
16-05-2023 230.69 - 2306900 2206.9 %
16-06-2023 239.8 - 2398000 2298.0 %
17-07-2023 247.66 - 2476600 2376.6 %
16-08-2023 245.3 - 2453000 2353.0 %
18-09-2023 254.64 - 2546400 2446.4 %
16-10-2023 251.04 - 2510400 2410.4 %
16-11-2023 253.88 - 2538800 2438.8 %
18-12-2023 274.59 - 2745900 2645.9 %
16-01-2024 280.98 - 2809800 2709.8 %
16-02-2024 283.87 - 2838700 2738.7 %
18-03-2024 283.03 - 2830300 2730.3 %
16-04-2024 289.81 - 2898100 2798.1 %
16-05-2024 296.68 - 2966800 2866.8 %
18-06-2024 319.66 - 3196600 3096.6 %
16-07-2024 328.43 - 3284300 3184.3 %
16-08-2024 329.55 - 3295500 3195.5 %
16-09-2024 342.69 - 3426900 3326.9 %
16-10-2024 340.42 - 3404200 3304.2 %
18-11-2024 318.68 - 3186800 3086.8 %
16-12-2024 338.9 - 3389000 3289.0 %
14-01-2025 312.85 - 3128500 3028.5 %

RETURNS CALCULATOR for Canara Robeco Flexicap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth Option

Growth of 10000 In SIP (Fund vs Benchmark)

Amount :
Period :
Start :
End :

Growth of 10000 In LUMPSUM (Fund vs Benchmark)

Amount :
Start :

Rolling Returns

Rolling returns are the annualized returns of the scheme taken for a specified period (rolling returns period) on every day/week/month and taken till the last day of the duration. In this chart we are showing the annualized returns over the rolling returns period on every day from the start date and comparing it with the benchmark. Rolling returns is the best measure of a fund's performance. Trailing returns have a recency bias and point to point returns are specific to the period in consideration. Rolling returns, on the other hand, measures the fund's absolute and relative performance across all timescales, without bias.



Key Performance and Risk Statistics of Canara Robeco Flexicap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth Option

Key Statistics Volatility Sharpe Ratio Alpha Beta Yield to Maturity Average Maturity
Canara Robeco Flexicap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth Option 11.94 0.47 -1.54 0.89 - -
Equity: Flexi Cap - - - - - -

PEER COMPARISION of Canara Robeco Flexicap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth Option

Amount :
Start :
End :
Data as on - 14-01-2025
Scheme Name Launch
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Canara Robeco Flexicap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth Option 05-09-2003 11.62 18.07 9.37 16.68 12.85
Motilal Oswal Flexi Cap Fund Regular Plan-Growth Option 08-04-2014 27.83 33.88 17.94 16.58 14.22
Invesco India Flexi Cap Fund - Growth 05-02-2022 22.74 29.98 0.0 0.0 0.0
JM Flexicap Fund (Regular) - Growth option 23-09-2008 22.39 32.97 21.42 22.65 16.58
HSBC Flexi Cap Fund - Regular Growth 24-02-2004 18.97 26.31 13.17 18.17 12.53
Bajaj Finserv Flexi Cap Fund -Regular Plan-Growth 01-08-2023 18.77 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
BANK OF INDIA Flexi Cap Fund Regular Plan -Growth 05-06-2020 18.61 29.44 16.81 0.0 0.0
Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth 05-05-2013 18.42 27.44 14.65 23.71 17.16
HDFC Flexi Cap Fund - Growth Plan 01-01-1995 17.97 25.14 20.31 21.46 14.46
360 ONE FLEXICAP FUND-REGULAR PLAN- GROWTH 04-06-2023 17.68 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS of Canara Robeco Flexicap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth Option

Asset Allocation (%)

Allocation Percentage (%)

Market Cap Distribution

Small Cap




Large Cap


Mid Cap


